Welcome to Treviglas Academy, where students enjoy achieving their best.

Treviglas is a thriving school situated in the heart of Newquay, Cornwall. Our exceptional staff deliver a high-quality curriculum to hard-working, talented and ambitious students. Our students leave us ready to embark on their chosen successful futures. Our community is committed to approaching every situation with kindness.

Many of our exceptional staff chose Treviglas for their own children.  Here are their reasons why:

‘I made the decision to send my own child to Treviglas because of the opportunities that Treviglas provides for all students to excel, as well as the really strong community feel to the school.  I have witnessed, first-hand, the high quality teaching to support all students in their attainment.’

‘Treviglas was the school of choice for our children because we knew that they would thrive as they grew into young people.  We already knew families whose children had gone through the school and who had become wonderful young adults.  We were looking for a balance of good academic achievement and good personal development.  They have had opportunities to do so much at Treviglas.’ 

Here is a link to the school performance tables for our 2019 results. These were the last set to be published by the government and we are deservedly proud of our position. Our 2023 results were even better: Click Here


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