Headteachers Letter 10/09/2023

Dear Parent

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the incredible first week back to school that we've had. Returning to school after the summer break can be challenging for various reasons, but last week was undeniably a resounding success, setting a high standard for what we aim to achieve at Treviglas Academy.

Throughout the week, I had the privilege of visiting all classrooms daily and interacting with our dedicated teachers and amazing students. I am really impressed by the behaviour and the level of learning taking place in our school. The ongoing refurbishments and efforts from our own site team are also starting to provide the accommodations and facilities that your children truly deserve.

It was an absolute joy for me to meet our Year 7 students and witness the daily excitement and enthusiasm on their faces. They have made an outstanding impression on both our staff and our older students. I would also like to extend my thanks to the students who have shown kindness and provided guidance to the new, nervous, and apprehensive students. I understand that one of the primary concerns for Year 7 students is how they are treated by their older peers, but I've heard countless heart warming stories of kindness and helpfulness among our students.

Throughout the week, all students had assemblies with myself and Mr. Nions, where we explained our expectations for behaviour and the underlying rationale. I am pleased to report that our students have responded remarkably well. Our unwavering focus is to ensure Treviglas Academy continues to improve and remains a calm and safe environment, enabling our teachers to provide an outstanding education to your children. The recent results from our Year 11 students are among the best in the county, and we have set the challenge for each year group to surpass these achievements. Furthermore, we are committed to celebrating our students' accomplishments and positive contributions to our school by providing ample opportunities for recognition and praise.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the parents and families who have actively engaged with and supported us this term. Together, we have set a standard that reflects our shared commitment to creating the best possible educational experience for our students.

I am excited about the year ahead and the progress we will make together as a school community. Let's continue working collaboratively to ensure Treviglas remains a place where your children can thrive and reach their full potential.

Thank you once again for your support.

Kind Regards

James Rogers

Interim Headteacher


Treviglas Academy is thrilled to announce the brilliant accomplishments of its students on GCSE Results Day 2023. The Year 11 students have gained a set of results that are above the National Average and showcase the individual successes of many students across a wide range of subjects. Students along with their families and friends eagerly queued outside of the Newquay Academy to collect their results.

Interim Headteacher Mr James Rogers expressed his delight, saying, "I am delighted with the results and want to congratulate each and everyone of our students. The atmosphere this morning was amazing and it was an honour to share such special moments with students and their families. These results demonstrate the quality and the hard work of all our staff, students and their families. The way students conducted themselves throughout year 11 and the exams has been rewarded.’

Mr Rogers added, ‘The media focus this week has been all about pass rates and recreating pre pandemic figures. What we have achieved proves that hard work does pay off and that outcomes for students at Treviglas Academy are among the best in Cornwall.”

Exceptional results were obtained across a full range of subjects, including in Art, Biology, Chemistry, Drama, DT, Geography, History, English Literature, English Language, French, History, Maths, Music and Physics.

At Treviglas Academy a number of students achieved the prestigious Grade 9 award, which is awarded to the top 2% of students in the country. 

Noah achieved EIGHT Grade 9s in Maths, Further Maths , Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, English and DT. Even more amazing was that he scored 239 out of 240 in his maths exam - only dropping 1 mark!

Erika went one better achieving NINE grade 9s in Maths, Further Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, French and History. An amazing achievement.

Amy was not far behind with THREE grade 9s and SIX grade 8s and George also did exceptionally well achieving TWO grade 9s and FIVE grade 8s.

Students also achieved highly across the vocational subjects. In sport, 42% of students achieved a Distinction star, the highest possible grade.

The success of Treviglas Academy students would not have been possible without the relentless dedication of our passionate teaching staff and the unwavering support of parents and guardians. Treviglas Academy wishes all its students the best of luck in all their future endeavors.