Safeguarding @ Treviglas

Safeguarding Lead - Mr Rogers

Keeping Children Safe…

No one wants to hear about children being abused, neglected or unsafe and that sometimes makes it difficult to respond appropriately. If we all remember these three important messages, it does help us to know what’s needed:

  1. All children have a right to be safe no matter who they are or what their circumstances.

  2. Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility

  3. We all need to listen to children and young people even though we may not always be comfortable with what we hear.

Who Should I Talk To If I have Concerns About a Child?

If you have immediate concerns about a child or young person’s safety, please telephone the Multi Agency Referrals Unit (MARU) on 0300123 1116

  • Each agency will have someone who has a responsibility for child protection and safeguarding issues- they have had the training to know what to do next.

  • It is not your responsibility to investigate safeguarding concerns but you must tell the appropriate person. It will be this person’s job to decide what action to take next. If necessary they will speak to Children’s Social Care or the police. The police and social workers can then decide whether they need to further investigate your concerns.

  • It doesn’t matter if you are a paid worker, a volunteer or a member of the community, you have a responsibility to act if you are worried about a child.

Click here to view - Tier 1 Safeguarding Leaflet


To contact our safeguarding team please click here

Useful Contacts

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