Treviglas’ Anti-Bullying

At Treviglas Academy we believe it is the responsibility of everyone in the school to develop a caring and supportive atmosphere, where bullying in any form is unacceptable. At Treviglas, we create a positive environment where we value each other and practise kindness with the aim that this will make bullying a rare occurrence. We recognise that at some time we will experience bullying, either as a target of bullying or an observer. We discuss this in our staff development, student assemblies and PSHE lessons in order that all adults and young people understand the role they play in addressing and preventing bullying.

What we do to create a positive culture where bullying is never accepted

  1. We have a respectful environment supported by our four Cornerstones which are:

    Practise kindness

    Respect ourselves

    Attend every day

    Work hard

    These support us to develop a friendly and inclusive environment where young people respect one another.

  2. We discuss anti-bullying with our young people in our PSHE Curriculum and in our assemblies.

  3. We build positive relationships based on respect.

  4. We embrace differences to prevent bullying.

  5. We create an environment where bullying is less likely to be accepted.

  6. We build positive relationships with our young people to encourage our students to seek out adult support.

  7. Our adults observe and listen carefully when they are in lessons and walking around the building so that they can pick up any subtle signs of bullying and look out for any early changes in behaviour that are a signal that a student is experiencing bullying.

  8. We encourage student voice and consult our young people about any spaces where they do not feel safe and rearrange our duty positions to eliminate these

  9. We investigate all reported incidents by students.

  10. We intervene, monitor and record any bullying situation.

  11. We make sure we consider Protective Characteristics when investigating bullying Incidents.

  12. We involve our young people in developing our strategies to improve the school environment.

What is our response if there is a bullying incident?

  1. We support the young person being bullied by listening to them.

  2. We establish what has happened and record any incidents and actions.

  3. We apply proportionate sanctions and support all children involved.

  4. We monitor the situation.

  5. We follow up discreetly with the target of the bullying incident.