Our Team

You are now able to click the photo of the member of staff you require and message them directly using a contact form, We will endeavour to reply within 48 hours but during busy times this may take longer.

Mr J Rogers


Mrs R Drake

Assistant Head - Director Creative Hub

Mr T Wilson

Assistant Head - Director Pathways Hub

Mrs R Penrose

Assistant Headteacher and SENCO, Designated Teacher for Children in Care.

MR K Lewis

Learning Leader Year 9 and 10

Miss L Dandy

Learning Leader Year 7 and 8

Mrs N Vittle

Learning Leader Year 11

Mrs J Handford

Director Post 16

Mrs D Beasley

Attendance Officer

Mrs E Gilbert

Primary Transition Lead

Mrs S Bradshaw

Student Support Manager: Behaviour

Mrs E Langford

Student Support Manager: Health and Wellbeing