Head of Year 7

Dear new Year 7 students,

I am delighted to let you know from September I will be the new Learning Leader for Years 7 and 8. This means I will be here for you every day to make sure you are getting the most from your experience at Treviglas.  I have already had the pleasure of meeting some of you at our open evening, and I look forward to getting to know you all over the next year.

September 2023 will be the start of my fifth year at Treviglas. I am predominately a Geography teacher but can also be found teaching a bit of History and RE. You will hear me talk about my love of Cornish landscapes and how I spend weekends exploring our coastlines with my dog! 

It’s understandable that some of you will be feeling nervous about starting secondary school (I was too!), but I hope that within the first couple of days you will feel settled and relax into Treviglas life.  We are like one big family and are here to help you with anything that may worry you. Alongside myself, we have a fantastic team of tutors to support you each day.

Throughout your five years with us, you will experience so many wonderful things in school and make friends for life. All of the teachers, including myself look forward to helping you on this journey.

Miss Dandy