Student services

Student welfare is important to us. We want our students to be happy, to feel cared for and to understand that if they do have a problem, there is someone in school they can turn to.

Pastoral staff support the Heads of Year in Student Services. They are available to help deal with all manner of student worries, whether that be a personal one, a problem with friendships at school or an issue with learning. Our wellbeing team also offer more specific support to students.

The Student Services office is located in the maths area. If students need to ring home for any reason they may do so from here. Please note that mobile phones must be switched off whilst students are at school, this includes at break and lunchtimes – if phones are used they will be confiscated to be collected  by  the  student  at  the  end  of  the  day.  Lost property is also located in Student Services.

First Aid

If you are ill or have an accident at school, you may go to reception at break time or lunchtime. If necessary, your parents/carers will be contacted and asked to collect you. You must not make your own arrangements – the school staff will do that for you.

Please note that our first aid team cannot administer medication unless it has been prescribed by a doctor. If medicine does need to be administered during the school day, a parent/carer must complete a medical form in advance, and the medicine must be stored by the first aid team in the first aid office.

If a paracetamol consent form is completed and returned to school, then staff will be able to administer paracetamol to students if necessary.